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My mediumship


From the time I was a little kid, I’ve been no stranger to the strange. My earliest run-in with spirit happened when I was barely old enough to tie my own shoes. Since then, I’ve been walking a winding spiritual path, one that’s taken me through the deep woods of religion and faith and eventually led me to a place where I feel at home - somewhere between Druidism and Universalism.


In the “normal” world, I qualified as a teacher back in 1997, and I even spent time as a senior lecturer at the University of Glasgow. These days, I’m a civil servant by day and a medium and afterlife researcher by night - or, let’s be honest, by whenever spirit feels like showing up. Most of my time is dedicated to digging into the mysteries of the unseen, raising money for charities, and sharing my thoughts on life, death, and everything in between.


I believe in universal energy and in the presence of what I call The Source - some might call it The Universe. It’s the thread that ties all living things together, and it’s as real to me as the ground beneath my feet. My mediumship revolves around building genuine, respectful relationships with nature, spirit, and energy, whether it’s human, elemental, or something that defies easy explanation.


Now, mediumship and paranormal investigation might not come with a fancy license or a governing board, but that doesn’t mean I take it lightly. With a teaching background from the University of Strathclyde and the University of Glasgow, I’ve got the academic credentials, but I also hold myself to a set of values - honesty, integrity, reliability, respect, and competency. To me, professionalism isn’t about a title; it’s a puzzle made up of trust and experience, and if you’re working with me, you can expect nothing less.


My professional experience


HMRC tax registered 

Trading through a business banking account

Full indemnity and public liability insurance

Founding member of The 3am Club

Team member with Scottish Paranormal

Teacher with 25+ years experience

Qualified BEd Hons, PGDip, SFHEA, SFRET

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy

Published author of three books

Worked with Government and the UN

Member of The Druid Network

Member of the Scottish Pagan Federation

Experienced speaker 

Working with spirit since 1990 

International experience 

I'm just a human with a knack for talking with ghosts.

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