Ouija boards, often referred to as spirit boards or talking boards, have long fascinated people with their alleged ability to communicate with the spirit world. Whether you view them as a harmless game, a powerful tool for spiritual communication, or a portal to the unknown, Ouija boards hold a significant place in popular culture and supernatural lore.

Image: Emily MacDonald
The Origins of Ouija Boards
The Ouija board as we know it today emerged in the late 19th century during a time of heightened interest in spiritualism. Spiritualism, the belief that the dead can communicate with the living, gained momentum in the United States and Europe. The name "Ouija" is said to be a combination of the French and German words for "yes" – "oui" and "ja."
The first commercially produced Ouija board was patented by Elijah Bond in 1891. The design featured a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the words "yes" and "no," along with a heart-shaped planchette. Participants would place their fingers lightly on the planchette, which would move to spell out messages.
How Does It Work?
Some believe that the mechanics of the Ouija board can be explained through a psychological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect. This effect occurs when the subconscious mind influences the body's muscle movements without conscious awareness. When users place their hands on the planchette, tiny, involuntary movements guide it across the board, creating the illusion of an external force at work.
Despite this scientific explanation, many believe that the Ouija board serves as a medium for spirits to communicate with the living - themselves affecting our subconscious mind as they talk to our soul. This belief has led to countless stories of eerie and inexplicable experiences during Ouija sessions.
Safety and Guidelines
For those who choose to use a Ouija board, whether out of curiosity or belief in its potential, I’ve provided some guidelines for a safe experience:
Make your own board: If you make your own, you know it’s history. Later, if anything goes wrong, you can dismantle it.
Set your intentions: Clearly state your intentions before beginning. Approach the session with respect and caution. I always open to spirit by placing white light around the board and by asking for protection.
Use with a group: It's generally recommended to use the Ouija board with others rather than alone, and to ensure that you trust those using the board.
Respect the process: Avoid asking frivolous or disrespectful questions. Treat the experience with seriousness. I would always recommend that the person leading the session is an experienced medium or practitioner.
End the session properly: Always say goodbye and close the session to prevent any lingering spiritual activity. Afterwards, I ‘cleanse’ the board spiritually by wiping it clean with white light in my mind. Though a physical wipe down won’t hurt, either!
Check location permissions: some locations do not permit the use of boards so it's better to ask first!
There are some common warning signs, that if experienced mean the session should be closed. I’ve used boards for many years and only had to close a session early two or three times.
Swearing, sexual innuendo or other nasty messages – good energy and spirits may slip this in now and again but as in life, if it doesn’t feel right then it’s not. This is even more important if someone is told they will die or have an accident.
Using demonic names or references to heaven and hell. I don’t necessarily believe in those places – which are a construct of religion – as are demons and angels – but there is such as thing as light and dark energy and it will manifest using terminology and references that you can relate to.
Targeting a person using the board by using their name or only speaking to them.
Loved ones coming through from the Higher Side of Life – in my experience they don’t do that via a board – be wary if that happens as spirit don’t always tell the truth.
Environmental changes that seem negative or where physical activity is beginning to occur in the same room.
If you, or anyone else begins to feel dizzy, ill or experiences any ailments.
The Ouija board remains a fascinating tool like any other. When we open ourselves to energy and to spirit, even calling out to them in a dark room, they will come to us. You may or may not be aware that’s happening. Spirit are like water and take the path of least resistance. Adults tend to be more mature in their intentions and mindsets, so don’t let children our young people use the board, or anyone else who may be vulnerable. Likewise, I wouldn't allow anyone who may be pregnant or have a heart condition to use them.
Always protect yourself before, during and after use. Just as you would in any other form of energy work.
Last, use your common sense and your intuition - you proceed at your own risk!