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Types of Energy

I’m often asked about hauntings and different types of spirit energy. So, I’ve decided to write up some of my thoughts, sharing my experience and thinking on types of haunting, rarity, what you’ll likely experience and how best to deal with them.

Type 1 Energy: Ghosts

Type 1 Energy (Common) Description: Ghost

Many of us experience ghostly activity at some point during our lifetime. Often unexplained and unexpected, you’ll likely see spooky apparitions, feel changes in temperature, hear odd noises from the past or smell something that no longer exists. For example, you’re visiting an old house come museum and you can smell baking bread in the kitchen, or you see someone walk through a wall where there was once a doorway. Ghosts are imprints in the fabric of a location, often associated with good or tragic memories. They are unaware of those living on the physical plane and go about their business. Frequently, they will enact a pattern, such as appearing at a certain time of year, such as soldier on an anniversary of a battle. These encounters can be bewildering and scary, but they are harmless and usually go as quickly as they appear. They are the stories of local legend.

Type 2 Energy: Spirits

Type 2 Energy (Common) Description: Spirit

A spirit is the soul of a person who’s lived on the physical plane. They carry the essence and persona of the person who’s lived. They can date back many years and often they reflect on their physical life, to learn any lessons that needed to be learned. Like the living, they can have good intentions or bad. Luckily, most are benevolent and are happy to interact with us. They are able to communicate with us in many ways. A spirit can be a loved one on the Higher Side of Life for example, or they could be connected to a location or artefact, for example a young women who died falling down the stairs may return there to understand what happened to her. Normally, learning those lessons mean they want to pass on messages to us in peace, love and respect before moving on, but occasionally they can be malevolent or angry and their energy manifests as cold spots, bad smells, scratches or pushing. Loved ones will let us know they’re there with pleasant smells, music or something associated with them such as pipe smoke or other signs that we can interpret. Our experiences with spirit are similar to ghosts and the two are frequently categorised as the same type of energy, but they are not the same. Normally, you don’t need to do anything as they’ll come and go, but occasionally their interactions and reflections can cause a disturbance and be a nuisance, especially if haunting a building or they’re attached to an object. Telling them to leave, using crystals, cleansing a space or removing an artefact can dispel any negative energy.

Type 3 Energy: Poltergeist

Type 3 Energy (Uncommon) Description: Poltergeist

Thankfully, this type of energy is uncommon. A poltergeist (from German Polter, “noise” or “racket”; Geist, “spirit”) is a malicious and disruptive energy that can manifest through negative intentions, either from the living or through supernatural means. Typical symptoms and experiences can include violent movement and throwing of objects, loud noises, disembodied mists and fogs and spontaneous combustion. Often, poltergeist activity is centred around children, teenagers or specific individuals. Activity is sporadic and repetitive, but it doesn’t always follow a specific pattern. Folklore from various cultures have set scenes for similar, harmful spirits. For example, the Tengu in Japan and the Larvea in ancient Roman mythology. There are various lines of thought about these energy types. I believe that they’re formed intentionally or unintentionally by the human mind and that they can invite restless type 2 energies to interact with us like a magnet or a moth to a flame. Essentially, a type 3 is a type 2 spirit on steroids, feeding from a nucleus of psychic energy. Regardless, the experience can be unsettling and frightening. If you do encounter a poltergeist, it’s best to seek advice from a reputable professional investigator or medium. Treating the root cause can dissipate any attached type 2 spirit.

Type 4 Energy: Elementals

Type 4 Energy (Rare) Description: Elemental

Elemental energy is at the heart of the natural world. It intersects the supernatural and can manifest in many forms. Typically, they’re based on 5 elements; earth, fire, water, air or aether. In basic terms, this type of energy is not formed from a human soul. In folklore, they have been described as fairies, gargoyles, goblins, trolls, leprechauns and other similar entities. Normally, they are protective in nature and often they’re placed through intent, for example many years ago it was common to incite an elemental to ward off evil spirits, and their image would be placed on a building, such as a gargoyle. Occasionally, an object (often a cat or other animal) would be buried in the foundations or walls. Many of us will go about our lives and never know that we’ve encountered an elemental, but those sensitive to energy may suffer a psychic attack, experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness or a feeling of dread. They can appear unexpectedly and be triggered by other activity in a location. Some are scarier than others, with reports of demon dogs with flaming red eyes, black mists and so forth. If you do find yourself in the presence of a type 4 energy, it’s best to leave well alone, don’t provoke it and seek professional advice.

Type 5 Energy: Higher and Lower Order

Type 5 Energy (Rare) Description: Higher or Lower Order

There are some energy types that operate on a frequency far different to any other. Their vibrations can cause positive or negative intent. I often describe them as ‘the pool’. Imagine a pool of water, still at first until you throw in a stone. On the surface you see a ripple, but there is an equal and opposite effect beneath the surface. Higher and Lower Order energies are often described as angelic or demonic. Much of that is contained in religious rhetoric, however there are many instances where people have experienced such an encounter. Shadow figures, the infamous Hat Man and other such entities have long been reported, as have sinister interactions with malicious entities as well as benevolent encounters with those with positive intentions. These types of energies are rare but it’s possible you may engage with one at some point in your lifetime. If you do, and they begin to cause disruption, it’s best to seek advice from a professional. If you’re lucky, you’ll meet an angelic being or perhaps a being of extraterrestrial origin. There are many theories that angels are an advanced civilisation from Pleiades.


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