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Spiritual Convergence

When people connect with each other in seemingly random events, their souls have already predetermined this synchronicity. It’s a bit like a busy motorway junction, where multiple roads and journeys merge together. This is what I call a Spiritual Convergence. This can be seen as a moment in your life where souls come together through a complex set of circumstances that can later lead to a life changing event. Some describe this feeling as though a higher power is guiding them. The event can be pleasant but it can also be a tragic experience. For example, we’ve recently seen how people have come together through the global impact of Covid. Similar events in history such as terror attacks or war bring people from all walks of life together in support of each other, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, religion or background. There is no differentiation or discrimination on the behalf of the universe as we are equal. The convergence more often than not is a result of circumstance beyond your control, pushing you into the life of another. If this happens to you, embrace the person you encounter and remember that spirit is with you at all times and they will guide you when you need them the most.

Have you encountered someone and built up a friendship or sense of kin through a random event behind your control?


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